The Future of Tezos

In the Ithaca update, the consensus algorithm and the baking mechanism have changed. The former features accelerated transaction finalization, and the latter increases the number of blocks from 256 to 7,000.

Also, after switching to Ithaca, bakers get rewards for their activity. This way the developers stimulate them to work in a steady fashion, as well as to use powerful computers and fast internet connections.

The next update, Jakarta, will not affect baking. The protocol developers plan to increase the throughput capacity of Tezos with Optimistic Rollups, an L2 solution for sidechain transaction processing.

If Tezos implements Optimistic Rollups, there will be a new type of node in the network dubbed the Rollup Operator. Such nodes will receive rewards for their work, which means Tezos users will have another way to earn money.